What is Disadvantages & Advantage of LG OPTIMUS G E973/E971/F180 Good or Bad to Buy?

Please consider before you buy LG OPTIMUS G E973/E971/F180, because you need to know more about advantage and disadvantage review with this phone. First you have to know is about the main specifications from LG OPTIMUS G E973/E971/F180 – advantages & strength : Broadband data connection with 3G and 4G LTE Wide LCD Screen with big resolution 768 x

What is Disadvantages & Advantage of SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB 3 8″ (SM-T311/T315) Good or Bad to Buy?

Let we see about SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB 3 8″ (SM-T311/T315) performance before you decided to buy it. Samsung already success with Galaxy family, and know they introduce the new tablet with 8 inches LCD screen. When we compare with Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 inches which have maximum resolution 1024, now SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB 3 8″ (SM-T311/T315) have

What is Disadvantages of SAMSUNG GALAXY MEGA I9200 (SGH-i527) Good or Bad to Buy?

Samsung Galaxy Mega I9200 also known as SGH-i527 is Android smartphone which have big LCD screen 6.3 inches, we think this big LCD screen make Samsung give name Mega for this I9200 type. Let we see about advantages and disadvantage about Samsung Galaxy Mega.   The Specifications of SAMSUNG GALAXY MEGA I9200 (SGH-i527) GSM 3G HSDPA

What is Disadvantages of CANON EOS 100D (Rebel SL1) Good or Bad to Buy?

CANON EOS 100D (Rebel SL1) is Digital SLR camera from CANON for entry level user, but do not misunderstand, because CANON EOS 100D (Rebel SL1) product has feature as good as other professional camera and wonderful ability. CANON EOS 100D (Rebel SL1) use APC-S CMOS sensor to capture nice picture while taking photo. The sensor is the same if comparing

What Is Good or Bad from HTC ONE (M7) Review?

We will discuss about advantage and disadvantage from HTC One. HTC One also known as HTC M7. This smartphone have several things to consider when you decided to buy it. This is Android Jelly Bean operating system phone and upgrade able to newest version while available. Let’s see the Specifications of HTC ONE (M7) : GSM 3G

What Is Good or Bad from SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB 2 7.0 P3100 Review?

We are talking about advantage or disadvantage about SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB 2 7.0 P3100. This is an Android tablet which have 7 inches LCD. Let’s see the specifications of SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB 2 7.0 P3100 : GSM 3G HSDPA for Broadband Data Display LCD 7 inches wide Back Camera 3.15 MP, 2048×1536 pixels with Front Camera for Processor