Please consider before you buy LG OPTIMUS G E973/E971/F180, because you need to know more about advantage and disadvantage review with this phone.
First you have to know is about the main specifications from LG OPTIMUS G E973/E971/F180 – advantages & strength :
What is disadvantage of LG OPTIMUS G E973/E971/F180 – weakness ?
After talking about the advantage or good things of this phone, now we try to look what is the disadvantage or bad things from LG OPTIMUS G E973/E971/F180.
First disadvantages features that LG OPTIMUS G E973/E971/F180 have is about the external memory card slot. Although we know this smartphone already have big internal memory, but maybe the external memory should be available, so we can copy any big files and also we remove the memory once we need to use at other smartphone or when we need to copy with faster memory card reader using computer PC.
Other disadvantages thing from LG OPTIMUS G E973/E971/F180 is about the non removable battery. The non removable battery will become problem after we use for several years and when the battery lifetime reached, we need special tools to open the battery or bring to service center.
This article is talking about moto g disadvantages, lg f180 review, lg optimus g f180 review, lg f180 specs, lg f180 reviews, lg f180 problems. You can find other topic at our related post bellow.SAMSUNG GALAXY M35 is work with 5G and 4G connections that released in May 2024.…
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